
Showing posts from May, 2023

Welcome to the House of Bourbon

  I have been busy since August 3, 2018. I am still writing The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy , but now things have changed and another project has been added. This is the House of Bourbon like you have never seen it before or will again. It is a trilogy just like TKWRT only with historical people. A heady mix of history and fiction that already has readers talking--and we've only just begun. Each book will be the story of a king and his brother. Beginning with Louis XIV and his brother Philippe I, Duc d'Orléans which covers the last book in the series. That is not unusual as I started TKWRT with Book II: The Saga of Thranduil . I am writing XIV . Yes, this book has a co-author and she is writing Monsieur . Both lives are told from the point of view of the characters just like TKWRT.  I have found my strength is telling a story from a place of intimacy. I have been told I bring an air of realism that is scary. As with life, if it doesn't scare you, how do you know...